May 2003
Xerox Document Services Platform
Color Management
Xerox Corporation
Global Knowledge and Language Services
800 Phillips Road
Building 845-17S
Webster, New York 14580
Copyright 2003
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Printed in the U.S.A., U.K., and France.
Copywright by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
XEROX®, XEROX Europe®, and XEROX Canada Limited®, The Document Company, the stylized X, and
all names identifying numbers used in connection with Xerox products mentioned in this publication are
trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies. Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (”
SWOP® is a registered trademark of SWOP, Inc.
While the information in this Guide is correct at the time of this publication, Xerox reserves the right at any
time to change the information without notice. Changes are made periodically to this document. Changes
and technical updates will be added in subsequent editions.
Table of contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Multiple print engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
About this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Queue overrides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Color workflows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Color Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Color tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Color Management Guide
Table of contents
Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
4. Using color tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
5. Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Image paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Things to remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Color Management Guide
1. Introduction
This guide is a reference to the DocuSP controller color
management features. The DocuSP controller serves as the
digital front end for preparing and processing jobs to print on
Xerox color print engines.
The DocuSP operator uses the information in this guide to
enhance the use of the color management tools to achieve
quality color output.
This guide assumes that the DocuSP operator is familiar with the
DocuSP controller and the attached print engine, and is also
familiar with color printing.
Refer to the DocuSP on-line help system for procedures on how
to use the DocuSP color tools.
Multiple print engines
The DocuSP controller includes color management tools for the
DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 and iGen3 Digital Production
This guide provides general color management information for
the DocuSP controller; also, printer-specific information is noted
where necessary.
About this guide
Before you read in this guide, become familiar with its contents
and conventions.
Color Management Guide
This guide includes the following conventions:
• Angle brackets: Variable information that is displayed on your
window or that can be entered as part of a command line is
enclosed within angle brackets. Examples include "Unable to
copy <filename>;" “set –p <printer>.”
• Square brackets: Square brackets are used for the following:
– Names of menu options that you select; for example,
[Printer Default]
– Names of buttons that you select; for example, [OK] and
– Names of text boxes, list boxes, and fields; for example,
"the [From] text box," "the [Directories] list box," “the
[Color Source] field”
• Bold: Boldface type is used for the following:
– Directory paths; for example, “Browse to the Color
profiles directory.”
– Text that you enter; for example, "Enter purple or Xerox."
– Calling attention to text that is particularly important; for
example, “Select [Stop] on the user interface window. Do
not press the red stop button on the controller.”
– Introductory words or phrases that begin items in a list; for
[Hold job]: The document is held at the printer...
[Cancel job]: The document is not printed...
• Note: Notes are hints that help you perform a task or
understand the text. Notes are presented in italics, in
separate paragraphs. Example:
NOTE: You cannot submit a job unless the printer is
connected to your workstation.
Related documentation
Further information on the specific Xerox print engines or the
DocuSP controller may be obtained by referring to the
documentation that was delivered with the elements of the
Color Management Guide
Color Management Guide
2. DocuSP color management
Color management is a process of attempting to match colors
across input (scanners, digital cameras), display (computer
monitors), and output devices (color printers).
Hardware devices such as Spectrophotometers for calibration
and software tools such as color profiles, tone reproduction
curves (TRCs) and color tools are used to match or adjust color
to achieve a quality color image.
Spectrophotometers are used to calibrate data for the print
engine. Calibration data is used to adjust color balance for stock
by halftone.
Color management software converts RGB and CMYK input
color profiles to the color gamut of a specific output device.
DocuSP supports the traditional CMYK workflow as well as the
ICC Profile workflow.
TRCs and other color tools allow you to make custom color
adjustments, fine tuning the color image.
DocuSP provides the software color management tools you can
use to produce quality color output.
Refer to the DocuSP on-line help system for detailed information
and step-by-step usage procedures for all tools and processes
presented in this guide.
Queue overrides
An override can be set for many of the queue properties in
Queue Manager. A selected override property is applied to all
jobs submitted to that queue, regardless of job or job ticket
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Color workflows
A color image follows a path as it is converted from an input color
profile to the output CMYK of the print engine. Factors that
determine the path are:
• the characteristics and type of the input profile
• conversions needed for the output profile of the print engine
• enhancements made by you, the user
Color path charts
Jobs take one of five paths through the DocuSP controller.
Whenever possible, you should use the Xerox Enhanced Path
which provides the highest quality color for incoming SWOP™
CMYK color and faster RIP speed.
The color path chart (see Figure 2-1. Simplified DocuSP Color
Workflow) displays the paths different documents take as they
move through the DocuSP color management system and are
processed for print.
The paths are:
• ICC Standard Path
• Xerox Enhanced Path
• CMYK Native Path
• Fast Reprint Path
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Figure 2-1. Simplified DocuSP Color Workflow
ICC standard path
Jobs undergo a color transformation to an independent color
space before color transformation to the DocuSP print engine
CMYK color space. This path requires more RIP time as the
color is transformed from Input (such as RGB or input CMYK) to
Profile Connection Space (PCS) to output CMYK or SWOP™
CMYK. The K channel will not be preserved for incoming CMYK
The chief benefit of using this path is its ease of use.
The following conditions guarantee a job follows the ICC
standard path:
• A user output profile has been assigned to the job.
• A color adjustment (lightness, contrast, saturation, color cast,
trapping, black overprint, or anti-aliasing) has been set for the
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
• The incoming job contains embedded profiles that result in
the printer driver creating a Color Space Array (CSA) for the
color data. These PDL instructions are honored by the
Xerox enhanced path
Incoming RGB or CMYK data uses the DocuSP Xerox Enhanced
Path Look Up Table (LUT) or Emulation LUT when performing
the SWOP™ CMYK to DocuSP print engine CMYK
Benefits of using this path include:
• Faster RIP time via use of the LUTs as contrasted with the
ICC Path.
• This path preserves the Black (K) channel and Black
Look Up Tables provide a quick, effective translation from the
source space to the specific printer’s CMYK space. These tables
are faster because the CMYK values are translated directly to
output space, instead of first being translated to device-
independent space and then to the print-engine-specific space.
RGB data is converted using 3 x 4 LUTs.
4 x 4 LUTs provide direct CMYK to CMYK mapping, preserving
black. When pure black is passed through a source profile (ICC
profile path), it is converted to XYZ. Once in XYZ, there is no way
for the color management system to know that the color was
originally pure black. Thus, pure K is converted to a CMYK
combination (Gray Component Removal, or GCR, is involved in
this process). In contrast, the 4 x 4 tables recognize pure K and
output the appropriate K for the source-to-destination mapping.
The following conditions guarantee a job follows the Xerox
enhanced path:
• The incoming job is untagged and using a pre-installed
output profile.
• A Xerox stock is programmed for the job
• A non-Xerox stock that is a member of an unaltered Xerox
color group is programmed for the job
• A Xerox output color profile, included with the system, has
been assigned to the job
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
CMYK Native path
Color management is performed within the application using
DocuSP output color ICC profiles to create jobs composed with
the DocuSP print engine CMYK color profile. These jobs are sent
directly to the RIP with no color transformations, assuming you
have not programmed any color adjustments.
Documents destined for this path MUST be designed using the
appropriate CMYK color space for the DocuSP destination print
engine. This is usually achieved by using the CMYK destination
profile for the destination media/engine combination.
Benefits of using this path include:
• Fastest RIP performance of any of the paths
• Color will be consistent throughout, since the job is created
and submitted expressly for the specific print engine
Fast Reprint path
Fast Reprint jobs, accessed through Reprint Manager, are saved
using “Print and Save” or “Save” commands when processing
the job. Fast Reprint jobs do not require re-RIPping. Color
management properties are set prior to saving the job.
The only color change that can be applied to a job on the Fast
Reprint path is a User TRC.
Benefits of using this path include:
• No need to re-submit jobs
• Fast print times (achieving engine-rated speed) since the RIP
is bypassed on reprint
• No need to reset Color Management properties
NOTE: Calibration TRCs and User TRCs may be applied to
the reprint job, since TRC processing is done in the
An incoming job is scanned by the controller and, if the job
contains PANTONE® calls, the PANTONE® path is invoked. The
job’s color information is processed using a pair of Look Up
Tables (one for Coated and one for Uncoated) and then passes
directly to the printer output, bypassing all other color processing
except for User TRCs.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Color Manager
Color Manager provides access to color management tools for
calibration, characterization, assigning color profiles, managing
color groups, creating and applying TRCs, and importing or
exporting ICC profiles.
The Associations tab provides a list of stocks, their properties,
date last calibrated, and the assigned profile.
Calibration is used to return the print engine to a standard
condition insuring color consistency for each stock or color
group. For more in-depth information regarding calibration, see
chapter 3.
New Stock
Destination color profiles are required for each stock or color
Stocks added from the catalog (Xerox Qualified Stocks) will
automatically be placed in the proper color group.
New custom stocks will automatically be placed in the default
color group.
Assign profile
Each stock is automatically assigned to a profile based on its
color group.
Color profiles can be assigned to any stock or color group,
including pre-defined stocks.
New color group (stock group)
Stocks are assigned groups based upon their whitepoint. Any
stock in the group can be calibrated, and the resulting TRCs are
assigned to all stocks in the color group.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
NOTE: You should calibrate a stock that best represents the
other stock in the group; therefore, you should calibrate using a
stock that has a whitepoint at about the median of the stocks in
the group.
It is recommended that most users confine their use of color
groups to the 3 pre-installed groups. This method provides
excellent color results with relatively little user intervention.
For a more in-depth discussion of color groups, see chapter 3:
Color profiles
The Color Profiles tab provides a list of color profiles (both
source and destination) with their descriptions.
User TRCs
User Tone Reproduction Curves (TRCs) provide the skilled user
with a tool for adjusting the individual CMYK color separations in
an image and saving those adjustments for use on other images.
The User TRCs tab provides a list of user-created TRCs and
allows you to create new TRCs.
Color tools
Color tools allow you to make adjustments that impact the color
characteristics of a print job. Color tools can affect jobs or
queues, if assigned at the controller, or can be assigned by an
application at the client workstation.
Print engine specific mode
Selected at the queue level, the print engine or product specific
mode is unique to each Xerox color print engine and optimizes
performance for that print engine. Print engine specific mode
provides the best possible default color interpretation and
rendering values for the widest range of images.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Table 2-1. DocuColor iGen3 Digital Production Press
mode default property settings
Queue Property
Queue Setting
Rendering Intent
RGB Source
Relative Colorimetric
CMYK Source
CMY Source
Gray Source
System Specified
Destination ICC Profile Front/ System Specified (pre-installed
and optimized for the iGen3)
Color Cast (all)
Press Color Emulation
Table 2-2. DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 mode default
property settings
Queue Property
Queue Setting
Rendering Intent
RGB Source
Relative Colorimetric
CMYK Source
CMY Source
Gray Source
System Specified
Destination ICC Profile Front/ System Specified (pre-installed
and optimized for theDC20xx/
Color Cast (all)
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Table 2-2. DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 mode default
property settings
Queue Property
Queue Setting
Press Color Emulation
Xerox consistent color mode
Selected at the queue level, Xerox consistent color mode
standardizes the print engine response to undefined color
spaces by assigning them default source files. Default Source
files provide output that looks similar when submitted from the
DocuSP to a compatible Xerox color print engine, currently the
DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 and the DocuColor iGen3.
Table 2-3. XCC mode default and override settings
Queue Property
Queue Setting
Rendering Intent -
Relative Colorimetric
Rendering Intent -
Rendering Intent -
RGB Source
SWOP™ Coated
System Specified
CMYK Source
CMY Source
Gray Source
Destination ICC
System Specified
Profile Front/Back
Color cast (all)
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Table 2-3. XCC mode default and override settings
Queue Property
Queue Setting
Press Color
Custom color mode (default)
Selected at the queue level, Custom Color mode allows users
with a high level of color management skills to make specific
color adjustments using industry standard color tools.
Skilled users create queues with specific color properties,
defaults and overrides. Jobs sent to these queues are assigned
the queue properties automatically, improving the flow of jobs
through the DocuSP controller and reducing the adjustments
required on a standard set of color jobs.
Color adjustments
Color tools provide a means for you to make adjustments in color
• Lightness controls the relative brightness or darkness of the
color image.
• Contrast is the ratio between the light tones and dark tones
in an image.
• Saturation controls the strength or purity of the color image.
• Color Cast adjustments provide you with the ability to
increase or decrease the amount of a single color in an
• User TRCs are created to provide a consistent color
rendering based upon a given set of properties. TRCs are
saved and applied to jobs.
Image quality tools
Image quality tools provide you a means to improve image
• Trapping compensates for misregistration that creates white
gaps and shifted hues.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
• Black Overprint compensates for the band of white that may
appear when black text is printed directly on top of a color.
NOTE: Black Overprint produces sometimes-unexpected
results using iGen3, due to its unique technology. Therefore,
you should avoid using this feature on the iGen3.
• Anti-aliasing reduces the jagged appearance of lines and
curves in text and line art.
Expert color
Expert color contains a set of tools for the skilled user to optimize
color quality.
• The Source color tab provides access to a list of source color
profiles. This selection is used to translate undefined data in
the incoming job. DocuSP honors embedded source profiles.
• The Output color tab provides access to a set of tools that
are applied as part of the color transformation from the device
independent space to the print engine CMYK space.
– Halftones are screen patterns achieved by printing dots
or lines in a specific pattern. The distance between the
dots is fixed. Dot size varies in accordance to the strength
of the color. The darker the color the larger the dot.
Halftones supported on the iGen3 include 150 dot, 175
dot, 200 dot and stochastic screens. The DC 20xx/60xx
series supports 150 dot, 200 dot, 200 line, 300 line, and
600 line screens.
Stochastic halftones randomly apply screens when the
difference in tone varies by different concentrations of
dots and by dot sizes.
– Image Resample
Interpolation is a method to achieve maximum image
quality. Interpolation estimates a value of function
between two known values and attempts to produce a
smooth transition between adjacent samples rather than
replicating pixels which would result in “blocky” images.
The supported interpolation methods include:
Nearest neighbor
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
NOTE: These image resample methods are detailed in
Chapter 4: Using Color Tools.
– Output
Destination Profiles convert PCS to CMYK.
There are pre-defined destination profiles for GCR
(Gray Component Replacement). GCR replaces
equivalent percentages of the gray component for
colors (CMY), replacing the gray with black. This
conserves dry ink and prevents dry ink buildup.
Emulation can be selected in place of destination
profiles allowing you to select a color profile that
emulates a specific type of output profile for media or a
printing device.
Rendering intent provides color mapping options.
The available rendering intents are covered in detail in
Chapter 4: Using Color Tools and are as follows:
Relative Colorimetric
Absolute Colorimetric
Print as grayscale
Print as grayscale converts color content to gray. Refer to on-line
help for the details, as well as for information on billing.
Spot color editor
DocuSP has a built-in color lookup table to map incoming spot
color (PANTONE® Coated or Uncoated) to the matching
PANTONE® color created in DocuSP CMYK. If the PostScript or
PDF file contains Uncoated, Process or ProSim color, the CMYK
color representation is created using the color values in the
PostScript file.
The Spot Color Editor is provided allowing you to change the
standard DocuSP output for each PANTONE® color.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
The Spot Color Editor tab is covered in more detail in Chapter 4:
Using Color Tools.
OPI (Open PrePress Interface)
OPI is a process to replace low-resolution images with high-
resolution images at RIP time. This speeds up job submission
time because you can submit a job with the low-resolution
images much faster than with high-resolution images.
OPI is covered in more detail in Chapter 4:Using Color Tools.
DRIs (Display Resolution Images)
The option exists in the Job: Properties tab to save the DRIs
embedded in a job. This must be enabled to allow viewing and
editing within a job at the DocuSP.
Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Color Management Guide
3. Stock Management and Calibration
Color DocuSP systems achieve high-quality color results due to
an efficient and flexible stock management model. Stock
associations, calibration, and characterization are important
processes used for stock management.
Calibration is a process that is used to return the print engine to
a known standard to achieve and maintain consistent color
quality for each stock or color group and halftone.
DocuSP calibration uses the X-Rite DTP41 Spectrophotometer
to measure and adjust the gray balance of the CMYK color
output. You should calibrate the X-Rite DTP41 daily. Refer to the
DocuSP on-line help for complete calibration instructions.
Calibration is generally performed once for each color group/
halftone combination. If you do not use a specific halftone for
printing, you need not calibrate it.
Once a stock is calibrated, DocuSP saves that calibration and
automatically selects the latest calibration for the stock when the
stock is required by a job. DocuSP can save up to five
calibrations per stock. These saved calibrations are assigned to
the color group in which the stock resides, for use with any stock
within that color group.
Characterization is the process of creating a destination color
profile for stocks. Stocks have different characteristics such as
coated and uncoated, color, and weight which impact how color
appears on the sheet. For most users, characterization is not
recommended for a new stock; instead, you should place the
new stock in an existing color group.
DocuSP comes with 3 pre-installed color groups, containing
Xerox Qualified Stocks. Xerox Qualified Stocks are automatically
part of one of the pre-installed color groups and have a
destination profile pre-assigned to them; therefore, they do not
require characterization.
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
New or custom stocks may require characterization if you
choose to place them in a new color group. If the new or custom
stock is placed within one of the pre-installed color groups, the
stock picks up the profile assigned to the color group. Each new
or custom stock needs to be characterized only once. This
characterization is assigned to the color group and is invoked
each time the stock is selected for use in a job.
Once created, a color profile is assigned to any stock within the
color group.
The three pre-installed color groups are:
• Bright White (L* > 95)
• White (93.7 < L*< 95)
• Other (L* < 93.7)
NOTE: The L* values are white point values and can be
obtained by looking at the ream wrapper and/or from the
The three pre-installed color groups cannot be deleted; Xerox
Qualified Stocks may be removed from your Stock Library, but
not from the Stock Catalog. However, you may add new, non-
Xerox stocks to the existing stock groups. It is advantageous to
do so, as long as the new stocks share the same white point
Additionally, it is suggested that you place any colored stocks
you wish to use in the Other group, although perfectly fine results
can be achieved by placing all stocks in the white group. While
these suggestions may not seem to make sense, they work well
in practice. Most users who print on beige stock, or light blue
stock, for instance, are generally willing to trade off maximum
color consistency for the ability to produce good-looking prints on
non-standard media.
An advantage to maintaining the “3-stock” model is that it limits
calibration to only three representative stocks. The “3-stock”
model is recommended for most workflows, requiring a little
more setup than the “unspecified” workflow but achieving better
color outcomes.
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Tips for use of Xerox Qualified Stocks
Here are some general tips for using Xerox Qualified Stocks:
• You are able to modify certain attributes of Xerox Qualified
Stocks. Some fundamental attributes cannot be modified, as
they affect color processing.
The fundamental attributes are:
– Name
– Color
– Weight
– Coating
– Type (Type, Opacity, Drilled, Modulus)
– Finish (iGen3 only)
– Color group
• Xerox Qualified Stocks cannot be moved from color group to
color group. Only User Defined Stocks can be moved and
fully edited at will.
Calibration process overview
Refer to the on-line help for a detailed calibration procedure.
Prior to initiating the calibration process, the stock you plan to
use for calibration needs to be in a paper tray and that tray
programmed for that stock.
Begin by calibrating the DTP41 X-Rite Spectrophotometer.
NOTE: Calibrating the Spectrophotometer needs only be done
once a day.
You need the reflective strip card that has the same serial
number as the spectrophotometer. Follow the X-Rite
In the DocuSP Color Manager: Associations window select a
stock or color group representative. Open the Calibration Wizard
and follow the on-screen instructions.
When calibration is complete, accept the calibration data. The
calibration is now assigned to the stock or color group used for
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Calibrating the DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 family
For the DC 2045/2060 and 6060, you should calibrate at least
once or twice a day or more often when printing jobs that are
The default number of prints of the calibration targets is 5 for the
DC 2045/2060/6060 family. However, you may choose to print as
many as 200 calibration targets at one time; we recommend
printing 5 prints (of the 2-page target) and then choosing the 5th
print to use for calibration.
Calibrating the DocuColor iGen3
Calibration should be performed at least once per color group,
per halftone per eight hour shift for the DocuColor iGen3.
For example, if jobs to be printed during the night shift require
Stock A using 175 dot halftone for job #1 and a 200 dot halftone
for job #2, a calibration is needed for Stock A at 175 dot and at
200 dot.
These calibrations are assigned to Stock A with a 175 dot
halftone and Stock A with a 200 dot halftone.
When calibrating 8.5 x 11 - A4 stock print 40 single sided copies
of the (2-page) target. For larger sized stock print 20 single sided
copies of the target; we recommend using the final print for
Calibration target tips
DocuSP calibration software checks the first color at the top of
each calibration strip as a method of insuring that strips 1-13 are
read in the correct order. If the top color is not detected, or is
detected improperly, calibration fails. Due to image-to-page top
variation associated mainly with the iGen3 engine, calibration
errors can occur if you pushes the target too far into the
Primarily, this can occur using the 11”x17” calibration targets,
which must be cut down manually to 8.5”x17” in order to feed
correctly into the X-Rite. This introduces the image-to-page top
variation previously mentioned.
This section provides pictorial instructions for successful
calibration in spite of target image location fluctuation on the
calibration target.
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
This procedure is more likely to be necessary for iGen3 due to
image-to-page registration errors, but may also be applicable for
DC20xx/60xx printers.
Figure 3-1. Calibration target and whitespace
Figure 3-2. Calibration step 1
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Figure 3-3. Calibration step 2
Figure 3-4. Calibration step 3
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Figure 3-5. Calibration step 4
Stock Management hints and tips
General Stock Workflow Setups
Unspecified Stock Name Model Setup
The settings outlined in this section use the “Unspecified Stock
Name” model. This workflow is best for customers that have a
limited number of stocks and want very consistent color
outcomes with very easy system operation.
Key Points to this approach:
• One calibration event covers all of the stocks at a site.
• You accept the default characteristics for all stocks.
Therefore, stocks with slightly different whiteness (Bright
White, White and Non-White) will be treated the same by the
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
• Use this workflow when you are not concerned about small
amounts of whiteness differences on stocks.
• This workflow provides simple and very quick setup.
• It is simple to maintain consistent color using this workflow
because only one calibration applies to all stocks all the time.
• You, the customer, never need to go into Color Manager;
using this workflow, you need only to use the Printer
• Use this workflow if you want to avoid ineligible jobs found in
the named model.
Setup Steps (after software installation):
1. Open Printer Manager/Paper Trays and select a tray (e.g,
tray 1).
2. Select the desired stock size, type, coating etc. and close.
Leave the name Unspecified.
3. The same should be done for the other trays with physical
stock attributes selected and name remaining Unspecified.
Calibrate ANY stock named Unspecified
• In Printer Manager: Paper Trays, right click on any tray/stock
and select [calibration]. Perform the calibration process.
• You have now calibrated and loaded all stocks and trays on
the system. Any incoming job that matches an attribute of the
stock, such as the size, pulls from the appropriate tray.
Workflow Notes:
• Any Unspecified stocks are always placed in the default
group and use the default group’s calibration and destination
• The default group can be changed and be used thereafter by
any and all Unspecified stocks on the system.
Three Stock Model Setup
This set-up utilizes three stock groups to represent all the stock
you use. Three Xerox created groups represent Bright White,
White, and Other substrates.
The purpose of this set-up, as compared to the Unspecified
workflow, is to account for common whiteness differences in
stocks by using only three groups.
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
In this set-up, you add any Non-Xerox stocks you wish to print on
to one of the three groups.
• Bright White (Greater than 95)
• White (93.7 > L* <= 95)
• Other (L* <= 93.7)
NOTE: White point values can be found on the ream wrapper
and/or from the manufacturer.
Key Points to this approach:
• Accounts for the various whiteness in a stock mix.
• Limits calibration to only three stock types.
• Recommended for most workflows.
• Requires three stock calibrations instead of one (Unspecified
Adding a Xerox Qualified Stock:
1. Select [Printer Manager: Stock Library: Stock Catalog].
2. Select a Xerox stock and add the stock from the Stock
Catalog to the Stock Library.
3. Select your stock in Printer Manager and calibrate if required.
NOTE: The pre-installed stocks have 1 of 3 stock profiles: Bright
White, White, or Other, based on their color group.
Adding New Stock: Non-Xerox:
1. Select Printer Manager: New Stock.
2. Add your custom name.
3. Select the color group, if a group other than the default group
is desired.
4. Your new stock will automatically pick up the calibration of the
NOTE: Keep in mind, if any other stock with the same whiteness
group has been calibrated, then this new stock will automatically
acquire the group’s calibration.
NOTE: On iGen3, custom stock will be created at the Press
Interface and will always be automatically part of the default
group. You can move the stock to another group at the DocuSP
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Table 3-1. DocuSP Sample Stock Grouping
Paper Name
gsm L*
Criteria by L*
Color Expressions 98 Bright White Cover
Color Expressions 98 Bright White Cover
Color Expressions 98 Bright White Cover
Digital Color Colotech Natural White
Color Expressions+ 96
(L* > 95)
Color Expressions+ 96
Color Expressions+ 96
Color Expressions+ 96
Digital Color Colotech+ SuperGloss
Digital Color Super Gloss
(93.7 < L* <=
Digital Color Super Gloss
Digital Color Super Gloss
Digital Color Colotech+ Silk Coated
Digital Color Gloss Cover
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Silk
Digital Color Silk Cover
Digital Color Silk Cover
Digital Color Colotech+
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
Table 3-1. DocuSP Sample Stock Grouping
Digital Color Gloss Cover
(L* <= 93.7)
Digital Color Colotech+ Gloss Coated
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Colotech+ Gloss Coated
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Gloss Text
Digital Color Graphics White Fiber
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Colotech+
Digital Color Gloss Text
Custom and Colored Stock hints
It is recommended that you place all your stocks, including new
or custom stocks, in one of the three pre-existing color groups.
This limits the need for calibration to three groups of halftones.
It may be useful to place all colored stocks into a single group.
Since all colored stock by definition will have a lower white point
than L* 93.7, the non-white stocks are expected to be placed in
the Other color group. However, you may prefer the results you
achieve using white or bright white profiles on the non-white
A simple way to determine which color group would be best for
your specific colored stock is:
1. Add your stock to a tray.
2. If desired, within [Printer Manager: Trays], select the option to
force feed from the tray. Alternatively, you can just program a
specific stock for your job.
NOTE: The option to force feed from a tray is not available
on the iGen3.
3. Submit a job to a hold queue on the controller. The job should
contain a variety of image types, i.e. photos, halftones, and
graphics, as well as text. You should be familiar with how this
job prints on white coated or uncoated stock.
4. Open properties for the job within Job Manager.
Color Management Guide
Stock Management and Calibration
5. Select [Expert Color: Output Color].
6. On the Output Color tab, select the radio button for
Destination Profile and open the pull-down menu.
7. Select the profile for one of the three pre-installed color group
8. Select [OK] to close the Expert Color dialog, and [OK] again
to save your Job Property changes.
9. Right-click on the job in Job Manager and select [Proof] from
the context menu. The job is released to RIP.
10. Retrieve your print from the output tray of your printer.
11. Repeat steps 4 through 10 twice, selecting a different
Destination profile each time.
NOTE: After the job proofs, it will appear in the inactive jobs
list of the Job Manager, and will be designated as
“successfully proofed.” This is where you will find it the
second and third time you proof it.
12.Compare the three prints. By determining which of the
destination profiles produces the most pleasing prints on your
colored media, you can decide to which color group you
should add your colored stock.
If none of the three prints are satisfactory to meet your needs,
then you may choose to create a new color group in which to
place your new, colored stock. In addition, you may need to
use a specific user TRC to match specific colors.
NOTE: Most users will find that the White group meets most
of their color needs regardless of the color, coating, white
point, or weight of their stocks.
Color Management Guide
4. Using color tools
The DocuSP controller provides a number of color management
tools. Determine which color management tools to use based
upon your job requirements and your own skills and knowledge.
To address the diverse levels of job requirements and user skill
and knowledge, the DocuSP controller provides three levels of
color management, all capable of producing high-quality color
• Automatic Color Management provides high-quality
consistent color with routine calibration and by applying
Xerox Consistent Color Mode or Print Engine Specific Mode
at the queue level.
• Simple Color Management provides high-quality consistent
color with routine calibration and easy to use color tools to
adjust color cast using simple slider bars for lightness,
contrast and saturation. Trapping, Black Overprint and anti-
aliasing can also be applied.
• Expert Color Management provides high-quality consistent
color with routine calibration and provides you with a full
compliment of industry-standard color management tools for
making color adjustments.
Using Custom color mode (default)
Custom Color mode is the default for new queues and will
produce great results for most jobs. Custom color mode can be
used by skilled color users to make adjustments in color
properties, renderings, image resampling, emulations, and User
TRCs. Custom color adjustments can be made at the job or
queue level.
Skilled users can create queues with specific color property
settings so that jobs sent to these queues are automatically
assigned the queue properties.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Queues of this type provide operators a path to print high-quality
color output without requiring a detailed knowledge of color
profiles. The profiles are pre-set prior to operator intervention.
Basic color tools
Basic color tools can be applied at the queue, job or page level.
The adjustments are made on all of the colors and are additive if
more than one adjustment is made on an image.
The adjustments are made during the RIP creating the DocuSP
CMYK output profile.
Basic color tools are used when an image requires a global
adjustment that can be made by one of the tools.
• Use Lightness to lighten or darken an image.
• Increase Contrast to lighten highlights and darken shadows.
Decrease Contrast to darken highlights and lighten
• Increase Saturation when you want to print stronger colors.
Decrease Saturation to weaken colors.
Figure 4-1. Lightness, Contrast, and Saturation color
• Adding or subtracting colors using Color Cast impacts all the
colors in the image.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-2. Color Cast controls
– Cyan vs. Red - moving the slider bar towards cyan adds
cyan by reducing the amount of red. Moving the slider bar
towards red adds red by reducing the amount of cyan.
– Magenta vs. Green - moving the slider bar towards
Magenta adds magenta by reducing green. Moving the
slider bar towards green adds green by reducing
– Yellow vs. Blue - moving the slider bar towards yellow
adds yellow by reducing blue. Moving the slider bar
towards blue adds blue by reducing yellow.
Image quality tools
Image quality tools can be applied at the queue, job or page
Figure 4-3. Image Quality Tools
• Trapping compensates for white gaps between colors and
regions of shifted hues caused by misregistration.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-4. Trapping Setup dialog
Trapping should be done on the DocuSP controller but can
be done at the client application level as well, depending on
the application If trapping is applied at the application, do not
trap at the controller.
• Black overprint
– DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 black overprint prevents the
background of a black object from being removed,
causing the black image to be printed on top of the
underneath color and eliminating bands of white around
the black object. To view the dialog in which to find and
set this feature, see Figure 4-3.
– DocuColor iGen3 lays the colors onto the image in a
unique manner with black being laid down first. Using
black overprint causes muddy looking blacks.
The default setting for Black Overprint on the iGen3 is off
and it is recommended that you only use this feature
when you must.
• Anti-aliasing reduces the jagged appearance of curves and
lines in text and line art. To view the dialog in which to find
and set this feature, see Figure 4-3.
User Tonal Reproduction Curves (TRCs)
User TRCs provide the skilled user a tool for adjusting color
output on all or individual color separations of an image.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-5. User TRC setup window
Create User TRCs to make and save color adjustments that can
be applied to jobs. The creation of User TRCs should be
performed by users with a high level of color knowledge.
For example, create a TRC that compensates for jobs submitted
from a specific device that generates a consistent magenta tint.
A TRC adjusting for that tint could be created and applied to
every job submitted from that device. This saves job preparation
time and assures that the same adjustment is made to all jobs
submitted from that device.
Expert color tools
Skilled users employ expert color tools for high level color
adjustments. Users select source and destination color profiles
to be used in conversion to engine CMYK.
Usage of the expert color tools is dependent upon your color
requirements. You can use these tools to improve color quality.
• Source color allows you to select RGB, CMYK and Gray
input color profile for the image, on an object-type basis.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Selecting a source color profile places the image on that
source profile’s color processing path when there is no
embedded profile for the image.
Figure 4-6. Expert Color: Source Color dialog
• Output color allows you to select profiles that maximize the
color potential of the output print engine.
– Halftones are created by breaking an image into a
pattern of color dots. The larger the dots the darker the
For iGen3, we suggest you use the default 175 dot for
most jobs and 200 for coated stock jobs.
For DC 20xx/60xx, we suggest you use the default profile.
– Image Resample: The DocuSP controller provides you
with the ability to select an interpolation, or image
resample, method to scale images for output in order to
achieve maximum Image Quality at the desired RIP
performance. Interpolation is defined as the process of
estimating a value of a function between two known
values. In the Image Interpolation context, the function of
known values is the input image, and the estimated
values are the values calculated for the output image.
Image interpolation attempts to produce a smooth
transition between adjacent samples rather than simply
replicating pixels (which would result in “blocky” images).
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-7. Interpolation methods
The interpolation methods that may be selected include:
Nearest Neighbor Interpolation: A method used to
scale image data (pixels) from one resolution to
another. The output pixel value is simply the value of
the input pixel closest to the output location. Nearest
neighbor interpolation is the highest speed
interpolation on the DocuSP controller.
Bi-Linear Interpolation: A method used to scale
image data (pixels) from one resolution to another.
The replacement pixel in the scaled image is
calculated using a weighted sum of the four nearest
pixel values in the source image. This method offers
higher quality than Nearest Neighbor Interpolation.
Smart Interpolation: A method used to scale image
data (pixels) from one resolution to another. This
interpolation method automatically chooses between
bi-linear interpolation and filtered interpolation based
on the input image characteristics. Smart interpolation
is the highest quality interpolation available on
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Filtered Interpolation is a method used to scale image
data (pixels) from one resolution to another. The
output pixel is calculated by passing the neighborhood
of the input pixel through the filter to determine the
output pixel. The DocuSP controller uses a filter
dynamically determined by the frequency of the output
halftone and the input image characteristics. Filtered
Interpolation is used as part of the Smart Interpolation
option in the DocuSP controller.
– Output allows you to select the output profiles.
Destination Profile provides a list of color profiles that
can be assigned to the job. Any profile can be selected
and will take precedence over the profile assigned by
the color group.
The listing includes profiles for assigning Gray
Component Removal (GCR). GCR is a process for
replacing an equal percentage of gray with black
reducing the amount of dry ink used.
You can select a GCR profile for most stocks.
However, it is often best to use the System
Specified setting, which is optimized for your
Use destination profiles to override the color profile
assigned by a stock’s color group.
Use an emulation to render an RGB or native CMYK
image to simulate the look of a specific press. An
example would be selecting SWOP™ Coated to
simulate a SWOP™ press.
Rendering can applied automatically to all of the data
objects in an image or individual rendering can be
applied to a specific data image, text or graphic
objects in an image.
Image objects are defined as photographs and graphic
objects are defined as line art and business graphics.
For RGB images, using System Specified (default)
rendering is perfectly acceptable.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
For CMYK images, using System Specified (default)
rendering is perfectly acceptable. The Saturation
intent for CMYK 4x4 LUT is derived from the Relative
Colorimetric intent.
In general, use Relative Colorimetric to match a proof.
Use the other rendering intents based upon
Table 4-1. System Specified Defaults
Object Type
Relative Colorimetric
Use Saturation for rendering business graphics
such as Microsoft Power Point documents, charts,
graphs, etc.
Use Perceptual for rendering photographic
images to achieve a more press-like appearance.
Use Relative Colorimetric when attempting to
apply the closest color values in the print engine
color profile to the input profile, taking into
consideration the white point of the media. Used
for color matching such as matching a SWOP™
Use Absolute Colorimetric when attempting to
apply the closest color values in the print engine
color profile to the input profile using a standard
white point. Absolute Colorimetric is used for
comparing to an absolute value. Highlights tend to
be washed out and colors appear light using
Absolute Colorimetric rendering.
Use Pure for rendering text and line art, as it
subdues halftone textures to increase the visibility
of text on colored backgrounds. Pure works best
with RGB text.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Spot Color Editor
The Spot Color Editor window displays a list of spot colors
recognized by the system. The list can display PANTONE®
Colors, Edited PANTONE® Colors and Custom User Colors. The
operator can view the properties of all colors, edit all colors and
delete custom colors. You can print a swatch book of
PANTONE® Uncoated or PANTONE® Coated colors, or print a
proof of a color being edited.
Understanding the Spot Color Editor window
The Spot Color Editor contains several menus as well as lists
that enable you to view spot color properties and edit spot colors.
Figure 4-8. The Spot Color Editor tab
• The View menu: The View menu is a drop-box that enables
you to set the Table to show one of the following choices:
– All
– PANTONE® Coated
– PANTONE® Uncoated
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
– Custom
• Color Type (icon): A column that displays a tool tip (if
present) when you pass the mouse pointer over the graphic
• CMYK: A column that contains numerical values
corresponding to the respective values of Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow, and Black that are present in each spot color.
• Preview: A column that contains representations of each
spot color in the Table.
NOTE: These representations are not necessarily color-
accurate and are intended for use only as a guide.
• Right-Click or Context menu: A menu that is available
when you right-click the mouse within a row in the Table.
The options available in the Right-Click menu are:
– Edit...: Opens the Edit dialog
– New...: Opens the New dialog
– Print Swatch Book...: Enables you to print out a full book
of PANTONE® color swatches.
– Revert: Available when an edited PANTONE® color is
selected, this control reverts an edited color back to its
original settings.
– Delete: Available when a custom color is selected, this
control displays the Delete Confirmation Alert box.
– Redisplay: refreshes the view in the Spot Color Editor.
• Color Name: A text field that can be used to find a specific
color name. When there is text present in the field, the [Find
Next] button becomes available. The [Find Next] button
locates the next instance of the text string in the list of color
names. If the end of the list is reached without finding a
match, an alert box will appear, stating “No Matching Name
Open PrePress Interface (OPI)
The DocuSP controller enables you to employ Open PrePress
Interface (OPI). This feature allows for full-resolution image
substitution at RIP time, speeding up job submission time as well
as diminishing job creation/processing time.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-9. OPI setup dialog
This process works as follows:
1. An image repository is created on the DocuSP controller that
contains all of the full-resolution images that will be employed
by the document creators.
2. An OPI Search path is created in the Setup menu so that the
DocuSP controller knows where to find a local copy of the
full-resolution tiff image.
3. A queue is set up with OPI Substitution enabled. This feature
is found in the Queue Properties: PostScript/PDF tab.
4. A low-resolution image is created as an analogue to each full-
resolution image; these are distributed to the document
5. The document creators position the images in their
documents, and include placement, sizing and cropping
information as well as OPI comments (these are generally
done by the application).
NOTE: Supported applications include (but are not limited
to) Pagemaker™, InDesign™, Quark™, and Freehand™)
6. The job is submitted to the DocuSP controller’s OPI-enabled
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
7. At RIP time, the controller will substitute the full-resolution
images for the low-resolution images that were submitted
with the job.
Using Print Engine Specific mode
Use the Print Engine Specific mode if the job is to be printed on
multiple print engines of the same model, or if you use the TIFF
save option.
Figure 4-10. Example of Print Engine Specific Mode (iGen3
Print Engine Specific mode provides pre-defined settings that
optimize the performance of specific DocuSP based print
engines. This mode provides a consistent profile conversion path
for undefined profiles providing the best default color
interpretation and rendering values for the print engine. The print
engine default settings are applied if there is no corresponding
property set within the job.
The Print Engine Specific mode is selected at the queue and
applied to all jobs submitted to that queue.
Using XCC (Xerox Consistent Color) mode
Use XCC mode for those jobs that have no unique color
requirements and may be printed on other Xerox print engines.
Color Management Guide
Using color tools
Figure 4-11. Selecting XCC mode
XCC is selected at the queue and applied to all jobs submitted to
that queue.
Using XCC produces an image of the same document that is
similar when it is submitted to any Xerox color print engine
running in XCC mode. XCC standardizes the way the DocuSP
controller interprets unknown input color profiles and
standardizes the conversion through a Xerox standard output
When XCC is selected, you cannot make any other color
adjustments. The color properties are grayed out and not
Many of the jobs that use XCC are saved in Fast Reprint format
for reprinting.
Color Management Guide
5. Troubleshooting
What do you do if you experience color or image quality
problems with printed images? Determining where the problem
occurs is primary in the troubleshooting process.
Determining and defining exactly what the problem is helps
identify where the problem resides.
Questions to ask at this stage are:
• Is the problem with the image itself?
• Is there an application setup problem?
• Are there incorrect property settings at the DocuSP?
• Are there problems with the print engine?
• Can the problem be solved at the DocuSP or does it need to
This troubleshooting module assumes that actions can be taken
at the DocuSP to solve the problem.
Image paths
A good place to start troubleshooting is to identify the image path
the job took through the system. Determine whether the job took
the Xerox Enhanced, Standard, Fast Reprint or Native path and
submit the job using another path. If the job successfully prints
with satisfactory color results, the problem is isolated to a
particular path.
If the imaging path is not the cause of the problem, the next step
is to isolate the rendering intents used. It is possible that the
rendering intent chosen on the job is being overridden by the
rendering intent chosen for the queue.
Color Management Guide
A third possibility should be tested if the first two are not the
cause of the imaging problem: a source color mismatch may
exist between the queue and the job’s input color space. For
example, if the intent of the job is to render a CMYK document
which was originally designed for a SWOP™ press, you need to
select “SWOP™ Coated CMYK” as the source CMYK color
space. If FOGRA Gloss is selected in Job Properties and
SWOP™ CMYK is selected in Queue Properties a mismatch
Things to remember
In closing out this chapter, we wanted to provide you with a short
list of things to remember:
• Color Adjustments are performed in PCS (XYZ), thus always
invoking the ICC path.
• Calibration and User TRCs are applied in hardware. They do
not affect RIP performance or color pathway.
• The Xerox Enhanced Path always provides improved RIP
performance and better image quality.
• Using pre-installed profiles and Look Up Tables is sufficient
for most customer jobs and most stock.
• Building and utilizing profiles will always invoke the ICC path.
• When using untagged files, make sure the appropriate
source RGB or CMYK space is selected on the queue or job.
• If there is a mismatch between the Source CMYK and the
Destination Emulation, the results will be unpredictable.
• Most PDF files have the Relative Colorimetric intent specified
in the file. If you want to change the rendering, a queue or job
override must be selected.
Color Management Guide
A. System Specified defaults
This section details the various Color Management tools and
their system-specified, default states.
Table A-1.
DC 2045/2060/6060
0 +/- 100
DC iGen3
0 +/- 100
Color Mode
0 +/- 100
0 +/- 100
0 +/- 100
0 +/- 100
Color Cast:
Cyan vs.
vs. Green
Yellow vs.
0 +/- 100 (all Cyan
vs. all Red)
0 +/- 100 (all Cyan
vs. all Red)
0 +/- 100 (all
Magenta vs. all
0 +/- 100 (all Yellow
vs. all Blue)
0 +/- 100 (all
Magenta vs. all
0 +/- 100 (all Yellow
vs. all Blue)
When enabled:
When enabled:
height = 1
width = 1
height = 1
width = 1
Black Overprint Off
Source Color
Coated CMYK
GRAY - DC2000
Coated CMYK
Output Color-
200 dot
175 dot
Color Management Guide
System Specified defaults
Table A-1.
DC 2045/2060/6060
DC iGen3
Nearest Neighbor
Output Color:
Nearest Neighbor
System Specified
System Specified
Images - Relative
Images - Relative
Text - Pure
Graphics - Saturation
Text - Pure
Graphics - Saturation
Color Management Guide
B. Glossary Of Color Management
A rendering intent that maps colors to the nearest hue based
upon a perfect illuminant. When printing using this intent,
highlights tend to be washed out and colors appear lighter.
Associations The DocuSP controller uses stock associations to create color
groups of similar stocks that can use a single calibration. Once a
stock is associated with a color group, it ‘inherits’ attributes from
the group.
Calibration is a process that enables the user to measure the
printer’s output against a known standard, by using a
Spectrophotometer to scan test patterns. The process enables
the user to adjust for “drift” in the color response of the printer
and achieve consistent results.
CIELAB A standard color space model defined by the Committee
Internationale de l’Eclairage, an international standards
committee. L*A*B* is a color space that describes color in terms
of human eye response.
CMYK A color space model that defines the relative amounts of Cyan,
Magenta, Yellow, and Black toner or ink that will be applied to the
print. CMYK can be found in both input and output profiles.
Coated Coated refers to whether the stock in use has been coated or
was left uncoated. Generally, prints on coated stock will appear
glossier than do prints on uncoated or matte stocks. This visual
color difference may not be measurable, but it exists.
Color Cast The technical term for an overall color imbalance affecting an
entire image. The DocuSP controller enables you to adjust the
color cast in order to balance the image.
Refers to mapping an output color directly to the input color.
Contrast In display systems, the relation between the intensity of color,
brightness, or shading of an area. High-contrast images have
darker shadows and brighter highlights, while low-contrast
images have lighter shadows and duller highlights.
Color Management Guide
Glossary Of Color Management Terms
Destination Profile The color profile that converts PCS to the output device’s color
space. In other words, a destination profile can be sent to the
Gamut The complete range of colors a device can produce. Most
printers have unique gamuts compared to other printers. Often,
however, the printer can emulate the output of a different printer
through use of a Color Space Transformation.
GCR Gray Component Replacement: the process of removing the
graying component, or dirtying color, from a color and replacing it
with black. For example, a red containing 100% magenta, 80%
yellow and 20% cyan without GCR might contain 90% magenta,
70% yellow, 10% cyan, and 10% black after GCR has been
A pattern of dots of varying sizes applied to an image of varying
tones, or same-sized dots applied to a tint of color. Used to
reduce moire and other artifacts of the printing process.
ICC International Color Consortium
An image file format which is in RGB color space. The .jpg files
in a print job will need to be converted to CMYK prior to printing.
The perceived reflectance of a surface.
Matte refers to an attribute of a stock which is a flat color with no
glossiness. Matte stocks tend to appear halfway between
uncoated stock and coated stock.
Open PrePress Interface: the process of substituting full-
resolution images residing in a repository for low-resolution
images at RIP time.
Profile Connection Space. DocuSP employs XYZ as its Profile
Connection Space. XYZ is a color space model that maps colors
according to human eye response.
A rendering intent that maps colors to the nearest hue relative to
the white point of the media and compresses the printer’s gamut.
The intent maps colors relative to each other, allowing more
distinction between colors and increased shadow detail.
Press Emulation The DocuSP controller can emulate outputs from other types of
printers. Examples include SWOP Fogra Matte, Fogra
Uncoated, Fogra Coated, Commercial Coated, as well as either
iGen3 CMYK or DC 2000/6000 CMYK (depending upon your
A rendering intent that warps colors close to a pure colorant (C,
M, Y, K, R, G, and B) to the pure colorant.
Color Management Guide
Glossary Of Color Management Terms
A rendering intent that maps colors to the nearest hue relative to
the white point of the media. The gamut mapping strategy will
clip out-of-gamut colors to the gamut boundary.
Rendering Intent As part of the Profile Color Conversion in the Profile Connection
Space, rendering intents can be applied to the job to achieve
specific results. The DocuSP controller provides 5 rendering
• Absolute Colorimetric
• Relative Colorimetric
• Perceptual
• Saturation
• Pure
RGB A color space model that defines the relative amounts of Red,
Green, and Blue light in the image. The RGB color space is
generally seen as an input profile; the printer will need to convert
RGB to CMYK in order to print the job.
A rendering intent that maps RGB CMYK to CMYK. The G is the
printer’s G, the B is the printer’s B, and the R is a saturated Red.
Source Profile
The color profile with which the job was created at the client
workstation prior to submission. It is often embedded as part of
the PDL, but if not embedded, a source profile can be assigned
by the DocuSP controller at the job or queue level.
Spectro- A tool which measures the quality of the printed test pattern and
photometer enables calibration of the printer. This is accomplished by
measuring the spectral wavelength of light reflected from a
substrate (surface).
Spot Color Spot colors are selected from books or charts that contain
printed color samples, each of which is identified by some
number. Usually, the numbered colors are also described in the
CMYK system. One widely used numbering scheme is known as
the PANTONE® Matching System, or PMS. The DocuSP
controller contains a spot color editor that provides PANTONE®
Coated and Uncoated color definitions.
sRGB Standard (device-independent) RGB.
SWOP Standard Web Offset Press. A type of printing press for which the
DocuSP controller provides an emulation.
Tagged Image File Format.
Color Management Guide
Glossary Of Color Management Terms
TRC Tone Reproduction Curve. TRCs may be created and stored by
users who wish to achieve certain effects on a consistent basis.
User TRCs can be applied to all jobs, including those that
originate as Reprint files.
Uncoated Uncoated defines whether a stock has been coated or was left
uncoated. Generally, prints on uncoated stock will appear flatter
than do prints on coated stocks.
XYZ A color space which maps to human eye response. The DocuSP
controller utilizes XYZ as its Profile Connection Space (PCS).
Color Management Guide
Assign profile 2-6
Associations tab 2-6
Basic color tools 4-2
Bi-linear Interpolation 4-7
Calibration process overview 3-3
Calibration target tips 3-4
Calibration targets
DC 20xx/60xx family 3-4
DC iGen3 3-4
Characterization 3-1
CMYK Native path 2-5
Color manager 2-6
Color paths 2-2
Color profiles 2-7
Color Tools
using 4-1
Colored Stock hints 3-11
Custom color mode 2-10
Color Tools 2-10
Expert Color 2-11
Image Quality tools 2-10
using 4-1
DocuSP workflow chart 2-3
DRIs (Display Resolution Images) 2-13
Expert color tools 4-5
Fast reprint path 2-5
Halftones 4-6
ICC standard path 2-3
Image quality tools 4-3
Image Resample 4-6
New Color group 2-6
New stock 2-6
Open PrePress Interface 4-11
Open PrePress Interface (OPI) 2-13
PANTONE path 2-5
Queue Overrides 2-1
Rendering 4-8
Rendering intent 2-12
Absolute Colorimetric 4-9
Perceptual 4-9
Pure 4-9
Relative Colorimetric 4-9
Saturation 4-9
Smart Interpolation 4-7
Spectrophotometer 2-1
Spot color editor 2-12
using 4-10
Stock Management
hints and tips 3-7
Stock Workflow setups 3-7
Three Stock Model setup 3-8
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